

  • ダウンロード商品
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    ¥ 4,000
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    ¥ 8,000

【VRoidVRMモデル】アリス(Ver.2) [VRoid-made VRM Model] Alice (Version 2) 【VRoidVRMモデル】アリス(カジュアルVer.) ---------------------Terms of Use--------------------- ・データ改変→可 Data modification is allowed, you can modify the model with Unity, Blender or any 3D software that you'd like. DO NOT ASK FOR .VROID FILE. Outfits and/or textures are allowed be to change or replace to suit the customer's need. Although please do not use the textures that are meant to be for this model onto other creations that I did not create. ・そのままでの再配布→不可 ・改変したものの再配布→不可 Redistribution of both modified and unmodified version of the file and/or the textures are not allowed. Please do not re-upload or share with anyone.

【VRoidVRMモデル】アリス(Ver.2) [VRoid-made VRM Model] Alice (Version 2) 【VRoidVRMモデル】アリス(カジュアルVer.) ---------------------Terms of Use--------------------- ・データ改変→可 Data modification is allowed, you can modify the model with Unity, Blender or any 3D software that you'd like. DO NOT ASK FOR .VROID FILE. Outfits and/or textures are allowed be to change or replace to suit the customer's need. Although please do not use the textures that are meant to be for this model onto other creations that I did not create. ・そのままでの再配布→不可 ・改変したものの再配布→不可 Redistribution of both modified and unmodified version of the file and/or the textures are not allowed. Please do not re-upload or share with anyone.