- DigitalVRoidのデフォルトヘアテクスチャ(VRoid default hair texture version)1,000 JPY
- Digitalオリジナルヘアテクスチャ(Original hair texture version)3,000 JPY
【VRoid用ヘアプリセット】ひまわりハーフアップ [Hair preset for VRoidStudio] Himawari half updo ---------UPDATE : SUPPORT NEW VERSION OF VROID--------- ---------------------Terms of Use--------------------- ・データ改変→可 Feel free to modify the preset and textures as long as it stays on this one and only hair preset, please *DO NOT* use my original hair texture on other hair presets or creations that I did not create. ・商用利用→可 Commercial Usage is allowed, feel free the use the file commercially. ・そのままでの再配布→不可 ・改変したものの再配布→不可 Redistribution of both modified and unmodified version of the file and/or the textures are not allowed. Please do not re-upload or share with anyone. In order to make the preset to comes up in VRoidStudio, please put the extracted folder in C:\Users\(Your Computer Name)\AppData\LocalLow\pixiv\VRoid Studio\custom_items\N00-AllHair and look for the hair in the 'Overall Hair' Section in VRoid 1.0