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【Vroid用衣装テクスチャ】ブラックレベリオン衣装セット [Textures for VRoid] Black Rebellion Outfit Set ---------------------Terms of Use--------------------- ・データ改変→可 Data modification is allowed. ・商用利用→可 Commercial Usage is allowed, feel free the use the file commercially. ・そのままでの再配布→不可 ・改変したものの再配布→不可 Redistribution of both modified and unmodified version of the textures are not allowed. Please do not re-upload or share with anyone.
[Textures for VRoid] Black Rebellion Outfit Set
---------------------Terms of Use---------------------
Data modification is allowed.
Commercial Usage is allowed, feel free the use the file commercially.
Redistribution of both modified and unmodified version of the textures are not allowed. Please do not re-upload or share with anyone.